News – 06/04/06

hello again,i sit here at the house of me ol? buddy in the west. laptop on my knees hopin? my tadpoles don?t fry, Katy Soljak in my headphones ?la revolucion es la esparanza de los desperados? she cries melodik Tiitrangi festival has been goin on. it?s been a treat.

given i the chance to play with and chek out many fine acts over the last few days? unfortunate tho has been the demise of the ?beautiful losers? the duo splitting after a disagreement of some description??the tuesday nite gig were a blast with the stage at lopdell house being graced by, the mulleteers, Jon Sanders, Eliza, Catherine Tunks, Bar Bowen, Katy Soljak, Sergio & Miriam (my buddy in running the lopdell house shows), Lydia, Dave Parker and various others in an all star cast of virtual unknowns (except Jon who?s got a number one hit in poland) the whole nite captured onto disk giving me hours of wave files to sift through at some stage? the nite finished with Parker leading a 15 piece jam out to the old classic ?fly like and eagle? (i think) before a rapturous audience of three as every one else was on stage. a massive Lennonesque vibe in the place?.?i did sound for ?gahu? on wednesday? who were a bit miffed as they weren?t headlining the festival apparently. not a kind word was uttered from their dour midst tho they put on a kick arse show.. suprised was i afterwards as hip hop trio DRS took the stage and enthralled us followed by Miriam Clancy, un pigeon holeable in her perfection as an artist with an acoustic gat and voice to die for.. then Eru, one half of Paua nation, took the stage and funkt out some great songs penned by said he??last nite saw i heddin? down the ?tool room? in titirangi to jam with the Sanders chap. the highlight of the nite was a spontaneous jam with one Tracy Collins on the squeezer playing Jon?s ?pure afghan? from the ?latitudes? album? what a blast!! so with mulleteer Jono deserting to the south island with the Grail boys for a week Jon?s going to become an honorary mulleteer for saturday nite.. should be innerestin??tonite i finally get to chek out nz?s finest in the form of Kora!! yee haa and grooves to ye all?dayf

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