goodbye ’07 hello ’08…

so the year fades to close with but one gig to go… a busy year nigh on done and dusted… the year i became a father though i’ve kinda been one for years, the year i finally formed something resembling my dream band though i’ve been in?a couple?of those… the year i discovered celtic music though i’ve been playing it for years.. a year of numerable highlights. the year i learnt patience, fatherhood does that… as the wee’n howls, teething, from his cot.. the motto ‘onwards and upwards’ seemed to work for the second year running… i think it was the a catch phrase for Jonny Sanders?& i cruisin around the north island early in ’06…

’08 seems set to sizzle?as?shows are already?bookt?with the Mulleteers, The Dave Alley Band, & Jon, Toni Geiling and Eoin Duignan!!?he he… and even one with the Freaky Meat lot!!! most joyous!

and the overdue album inches closer to being release-able. a tentative dead-line (not a real concept for me) of April probably means it’ll be out in September.. recent sessions with Alex, Gordy and Rod prooved most fruitful with all the drum tracks now being firmly down on disk which means there’s stacks of work to be done…

and on it goes!

happy new year to y’all, I’ll see you there


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