
aye then so ya see wot i did was jump on a bus i hedded for the land of me o buddies the grail lads.. Jono, G and the Mickey Martin man…. being as they is based in Connemara, Connemara is where now i am… writing now from the hoose o’ the lads, 13km outside of Clifden. we spent the arvo at the beach, kickin a football, takin’ fotos (as you do) walkin’ round the rocks… and jaysuss!! talk about rocks!!! it’s almost like being on another planet!! one made entirely of.. rocks!! and we’re not talkin pebble-like rock here, we’re talkin boulder-ville. mountains of rocks… kinda like a whole bunches of Aires rock (the big one in Aussie) rocks but grey not red… but then again the beach was luverly and sandy and there were some luverly fields with only a few rocks in them… a most pleasant place really… played a gig Clifden last nite but it felt like Paddy-ville and my outstanding lack of Irish music in-repetoire came to the fore and folks ambled off to find bands with fiddles in ’em so i got to prakky my version of ‘the boys are back in town’ and please the loyal few who remained with my curious mix of sonic amblings…

?met a dude called ‘swifty’ again… plays like a u know what, leetal!! banjo, gat. mando.. u name it…. just another of the phenomenal musos i’ve met in this country…. then there was Edain (pronounced aydeen i think) with a voice beyond voices, a voice longing for a studio or a stage. beeeeyutiful… done Halelujah like only Cohen, Buckley and my little bro can do it… did i mention beeeyutiful?!

?wrote a song today before breakfast and i’m likin’ it…

?for now…… ciao :)


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